Monday, September 22, 2008


so while attempting to research mold today i found out about this

im sortof obsessed with moldy mold as my entire basement is filled with it, and since thats where all my physical belongings reside most of my day has been wiping mold, breathing mold, being disgusted by mold. my favorite kicks have even turned into mold flowers and subsequently now live in the dumpster behind bonnie's china deli. so any advice?

also... i bought a painting of some mexican wrestlers in san fran and i lost it. have you seen it? maybe i left it in someone's car or on the bus. hrmmmm.


america feels like riding around on bikes listening to neil young without pause. im confused about being back. i landed in san fran - ran around for crazy days, played the role of emily's housewife and smiled in my coffee cup. then up to portland to find out thats where ill make my next home. days of laughing with girls the best cocktails trilby time and strippers. then to idaho to find out how tall my brother is and meet a million republicans. now iowa.

i miss asia. i miss bali. i miss perpetual smiles and my motorbike. im working on a line that if caught will take me down to south america in the spring. there are possibilities in south africa. i cant believe im going to sign a lease. but i am and i will be living in this here country for at least a year. if not more. so come play with me. for the next two weeks ill mostly be riding around looking for foxes.

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